Running SuitePayments Transactions

Running SuitePayments Transactions

You can access your credit card payment details and processing profile in all the screens where payments, refunds, and deposits occur.  Here are some sample screens that show where you can select the payment processing profile and select or input the buyer’s credit card information.

Sales Order

Navigate: NetSuite → Setup → Transactions → Sales → Enter Sales Order

  1. On the Sales submenu of the Transactions section, select Enter Sales Order.

  2. On the Sales Order screen, go the Billing tab.

  3. Select the payment method from the Payment Option dropdown menu and select New. The Payment Card screen appears.

Payment Card

  1. Select Payment Card from the Type dropdown menu. The Type should always be Payment Card when adding a new card.

  2. From the Payment Method dropdown menu, select the appropriate payment method.

  3. To store the card, enable Preserve on File. If not storing the card, uncheck the box.

  4. In the Details section, complete the information about the card. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  5. Click Save to return the Billing tab.

Submitting a Payment

Note: The “CSC” is not needed for returning customers.

  1. From the Billing tab, select payment option from the Payment Option dropdown menu.

  2. If this is a new customer, enter the CSC.

  3. Verify that the correct Payment Processing Profile is selected.

  4. Verify that Process is selected for Handling Mode. This option will obtain the authorization for the payment. Other options include:

    1. Record External Event will import transactions from a third party application.

    2. Save Only will save the payment information to the sales order for later use.

  5. From the Payment Operation dropdown menu, select Capture Authorization or Sale.


  1. Go to the Cash Sale that you want to refund. Click the Refund button.

  2. The Cash Refund screen will appear. Under the Items tab, remove any items not intended to be refunded.

  3. Open and review the Billing tab. Verify:

    1. Payment Option shows the correct card to be refunded.

    2. Handling Mode is set to Process.

    3. Payment Operation shows Refund.

  4. Click Save to process the refund.

  5. Confirm the refund in the Payment tab.

Note:  Similar to Cash Sale Refund, you can issue Credit from the Invoice screen.


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