User Guide for Apple Pay
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Apple Pay with Hosted Payments
Apple Pay with the Payment Gateway
Apple Pay Configuration
To use Apple Pay as a payment option on your site, you must:
Configure your server according to Apple Pay specifications.
Register with Apple Pay to obtain a Merchant Identification (MID).
Use the MID to obtain a Payment Processing Certificate (PPC) to use on their site.
Use the MID to obtain a Merchant Identity Certificate (MIC) to use on their site.
Validate every domain where Apple Pay is to be implemented.
Configuring Your Server
For full information on setting up your server for Apple Pay, see Setting Up Your Server.
Serve all pages over HTTPS.
Have a valid domain SSL certificate.
Support Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2 or later.
Allow Apple IP addresses for merchant validation over HTTPS (TCP over port 443). You can find a full list of IP addresses here.
Allow Apple IP addresses for domain verification. You can find a full list of IP addresses here.
Registering with Apple Pay
Creating a Merchant Identifier
The Merchant Identifier (Merchant ID) is an identifier you register with Apple to identify business as a merchant allowed to accept payments. This ID never expires and can be used on multiple websites.
Navigate: Developer Account → Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles → Identifiers → Merchant ID
Login to your developer account and navigate to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles.
Select Identifiers from sidebar and click the + button.
Select Merchant ID. Enter the merchant description and identifier name and click Continue.
Review the information and click Register.
For more information, see Create a Merchant Identifier.
Enabling Apple Pay Capability in Xcode
You can enable Apple Pay in your Xcode project using your Merchant ID.
Open your project in Xcode.
Choose the app from the Target section in the outline view.
Open the Signing & Capability tab.
Click the + button and select Apple Pay capability from the Capabilities library.
Click the refresh button to sync with your Merchant IDs from the Apple Developer site.
Select the Merchant ID to use with the app in Xcode.
Creating a Payment Processing Certificate
The Payment Processing Certificate (PPC) is associated with your Merchant ID and is used to encrypt payment information. The PPC expires every 25 months and must be recreated if revoked.
Navigate: Developer Account → Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles → Identifiers → Merchant IDs → Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate
Login to your developer account and navigate to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles.
Select Identifiers from sidebar and filter by Merchant IDs.
Select your Merchant ID.
Click Create Certificate under Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate.
Create a certificate signing request and. Use your email address and enter a common name. Select the Saved to disk checkbox and click Continue.
Click Choose File.
Select the certificate request file (a file with a .certSigningRequest extension) and click Choose.
Click Continue.
Click Download. The file will have a .cer extension. For information on how to use the .cer file, see Preparing Merchant Domains for Verification.
For more information on Payment Processing Certificates, see Create a Payment Processing Certificate.
Creating a Merchant Identity Certificate
The Merchant Identity Certificate (MIC) is used to authenticate communication with Apple Pay servers. You will need your Merchant ID to create your MIC. You are required to register every domain that will communicate with Apple Pay.
Navigate: Developer Account → Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles → Identifiers → Merchant ID
Login to your developer account and navigate to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles.
Select Identifiers from sidebar and open Merchant IDs.
Select your Merchant ID.
Click Create Certificate under Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate
Select the certificate request file (a file with a .certSigningRequest extension) and click Choose.
Click Continue.
Click Download. The file will have a .cer extension. For information on how to use the .cer file, see Preparing Merchant Domains for Verification.
For more information on Merchant Identity Certificates, see Create a Merchant Identity Certificate.
Registering Your Domain
Navigate: Developer Account → Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles → Merchant ID
You will need to register the domain(s) in your organization that will process the Apple Pay transactions.
Login to your developer account and navigate to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles.
Select Identifiers from sidebar and open Merchant IDs.
Click Add Domain under Merchant Domains.
Enter the full domain name and click Save.
Click Download. Place the file in the designated location.
Click Verify to confirm the domain is registered.
Click Done.
For more information on registering a domain, see Register a Merchant Domain.
Enabling the Apple Pay Option
Adding the Apple Pay JavaScript Code
The following code snippet will load the Apple Pay Java Script API. For more information, see Apple Pay JS API.
Adding the Apple Pay Button to Your Payment Page
The following HTML code can be used to set the button style according to preconfigured styles provided by Apple. For more information on button styles, see Apple Button Style. You can also set the button locale according to the Apple Pay Button Local. Ensure button compatibility using Cross Browser Compatibility.
Maintaining Your Apple Pay Environment
While your MID does not expire, you will need to maintain your certificates and domain verification.
PPC expires ever 25 month.
MIC expires every 25 months.
Domain verification expires when the SSL certificate expires.
Viewing and Updating Certificates
Navigate: Developer Account → Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles → Merchant ID
Login to your developer account and navigate to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles.
Select Identifiers from sidebar and open Merchant IDs.
Select the domain ID and click Edit.
Using the Payment Gateway with Apple Pay
Apple Pay to Payment Gateway Mapping
Decrypted data should be mapped to the appropriate fields. AMEX fields are mapped slightly different from other card brands.
Apple Pay Field | Representative Acquirer Field | Payment Gateway API Field |
data.applicationPrimaryAccountNumber | DPAN | card_number |
data.applicationExpirationDate (YYMMDD) | Expiration Date | card_exp_date |
data.paymentData.onlinePaymentCryptogram | TAVV/CAVV /UCAF | cavv ucaf_auth_data |
data.paymentData.eciIndicator | ECI | moto_ecommerce_ind |
Apple Pay Field | AMEX Card Field | Payment Gateway API Field |
data.deviceManufacturerIdentifier | Token Requester ID | token_requestor_id |
data.paymentData.onlinePaymentCryptogram | Token Block A | tac |
Payment Gateway API Field Reference
The following fields are used to send payment data directly to the payment gateway for processing.
Field | Description | Example | Required? | Length | Format |
profile_id | ID issued by MerchantE | 94100008819100000003 | Required | 20 | N |
profile_key | EAPI password assigned by MerchantE | oyFnzBewkLQEkGispfAoIjNoTuTwtcbv | Required | 32 | AN |
transaction_type | D, where D denotes a sale. | D | Optional | 1 | AN |
card_number | Payment card number | 4012301230158 | Conditional | 5 – 22 | N |
moto_ecommerce_ind | Acceptable values are 5, 6, 7, and A. Recurring transactions will require 2. | 5 | Required | 1 | AN |
cavv | This contains a data value generated by the issuer to enable cardholder validation for 3D Secure transactions. | BwABBJaSmIZUMzSVMpKYAAAAAAA%3D | Conditional - Used for Visa and Discover. | 40 | AN |
tac |
| TWsyTEhIakRyQWRNakd4SkhoeHI%3D | Conditional – Used for AMEX. | 30 | AN |
ucaf_auth_data | This is a variable length issuer generated security field up to 32 bytes in length. | ucaf:jJJLtQa+Iws8AREAEbjsA1MAAAA | Conditional - Used for Mastercard. | 0-32 | AN |
xid | This field contains a value assigned to a SET or 3D Secure transaction as a unique transaction identifier. | b1h4MTVGa2JXMzFhSEhOU3FqSjA%3D | Conditional - Used for AMEX. | 0 or 40 | AN |
requesterapp_name | Product Identifier | APL001 | Conditional - Mandatory for Apple Pay. |
| AN |
token_requestor_id | Hex-encoded device manufacturer identifier. | 544553544456 | Conditional- Mandatory for AMEX. | 0 or 11 | AN |
recurring_pmt_num | Payment number of the transaction. Initial and subsequent recurring transactions should pass 1. | 1 | Conditional | 2 | N |
Example Payment Gateway Request/Response
Content-Type: text/plain
transaction_id=528d174ea7ad31078e53c3827dcf26ca&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Approval T5421H&avs_result=0&auth_code=T5421H
Content-Type: text/plain
transaction_id=b456e431188231519c9d3e9dd9e45386&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Approval T54245&avs_result=0&auth_code=T54245
Content-Type: text/plain
transaction_id=ed99c0fcc4023a6aa052dda1a0b62d47&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Approval T54201&avs_result=0&auth_code=T54201
American Express
transaction_id=c320ea0da36937f085010ce18680744e&error_code=000&auth_response_text=Exact Match&avs_result=Y&auth_code=T25588
Testing Your Apple Pay Configuration
Sending Test Payments to MerchantE Payment Gateway
The certification request form must be submitted online in order to obtain testing credentials: Obtain Testing Credentials Upon receipt of the completed form, test credentials will be emailed within 24-48 hours.
Certification Host:
Note: It is important to use the test profile for testing to prevent billing for authorizations obtained during testing. ME will bill for all authorizations obtained using a production profile even if the transactions are part of the testing cycle.
The MerchantE certification servers are always available for unattended testing. The certification servers replicate the Payment Gateway production servers and support testing for all available functions. The Apply Pay transactions will be visible in your Business Portal reports.
Certification transactions are processed as tests, so there is no need to worry about settlement to a customer account.
Creating an Apple Pay Testing Account
For more information and a list of testing cards, see Sandbox Testing.
Navigate: Developer Account → Users and Access → People → Sandbox
Sign into your developer account and navigate to Users and Access.
Under Sandbox, click Testers.
Click + to setup your tester accounts.
Complete the information and click the Invite button.
Sign out of your developer account. Sign back in using the newly created testing account.
Adding a Card to the Apple Pay Testing Account
Navigate: Developer Account → Testing Account → Wallet → Add Credit or Debit Card
Sign in to your device using your testing account.
Go to Wallet and click Add Credit or Debit Card.
Using your testing account credentials, manually add a new card. A list of test cards can be found using the Sandbox Testing link.
After the card has been added, you can use the account to make test payments.
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