International Gateway for NetSuite

International Gateway for NetSuite

To use SuitePayments to accept international transactions, you simply need to configure you Payment Processing Profile to accept them.

To configure your Payment Processing Profile to receive international payments in other currencies, you will have to:

  • Enable Payer Authorization in your Payment Processing Profile. This will allow 3DS transactions to be used.

  • Select the charge and settlement currencies.

Adding Currencies

Navigate: NetSuite → Lists → Accounting → Currencies → New

  1. From the Accounting submenu of the Lists menu, select Currencies. The Currencies screen appears.

  2. Click New. The Currency screen appears.

  3. Fill out the fields.

    1. Name - Enter the name for the currency.

    2. Default Locale - Set the default location.

    3. ISO Code - Enter the ISO code for the currency. For more information, see ISO Currency Code.

    4. Default Exchange Rate - The default exchange rate for the currency against the base currency of the parent organization. For more information, see Currency Exhange Rates.

    5. Inactive - Check to make the currency enable.

    6. Override Currency Format - Check to customize the currency display format.

  4. Click Save.



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