Activate Fraud Control

Activate Fraud Control

Fraud control is activated in the MerchantE Business Portal.

  1. Navigate to MerchantE Business Portal: https://www.merchante-solutions.com/jsp/secure/sLogin.jsp .

  2. Login to your MerchantE account (User ID and temporary Password were provided in the VAR Sheet/Welcome Letter sent via email when you opened your merchant account).

  3. Click Payment Gateway Back Office.

  4. Under Admin tab, select AVS Configuration.

    1. Input the Profile ID.

    2. Select the conditions you want to apply to reject suspicious transactions. If you need assistance making your selections, contact Customer Care.

    3. Click Save.

  5. Under Admin tab, select CVV2 Configuration.

    1. Select the conditions you want to apply to reject suspicious transactions. If you need assistance making your selections, contact Customer Care.

    2. Click Save.


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