International Transactions with MerchantE

International Transactions with MerchantE

This article describes how to register with BlueSnap and send the information to MerchantE to use with your profile. This will allow you to process international transactions.

To Use BlueSnap for International Transactions in MerchantE

  1. Register and complete your registration with BlueSnap.

  2. Create API BlueSnap API keys. You will also need to set the rules and parameters governing BlueSnap transactions.

    1. Note: Required for processing 3DS2 transactions.

  3. Provide the API keys to MerchantE. MerchantE will update your profile with the keys.

    1. {Contact information}

  4. Test the API keys in conjunction with MerchantE Sales Engineering.

    1. {Contact information}

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