SuitePayments Recurring Payments

SuitePayments Recurring Payments

Recurring payments can be set up in your custom NetSuite implementation using the MerchantE plugin. This will allow you to automatically accept customer payments at predefined intervals (weekly, monthly, annually, etc.) for purchased products or services. The customer’s consent and payment information will collected by form linked in an emailed and stored in NetSuite for future automated payment collection.

 Payments will be made using the payment method on file for the customer and will be applied based on the payment collection schedule for the predefined period.

This feature is available for all payment methods:

  • Credit Card

  • Automated Clearing House (ACH)

  • Debit Card

  • Tokens


Setting Up Recurring Payments

Setting up recurring payments is easy and done in four main steps:

  1. Initial Configuration – Create a Payment Processing Profile that will determine the behavior of the plugin.

  2. Recurring Payment Configuration – Your settings for how the recurring payments will be made.

  3. Scheduling Deployment – Setting the origination date, frequency, and end date.

  4. Customer Boarding – Enrolling the customer in recurring payments.

Initial Configuration

In the initial configuration, you will enable Consolidated Payments and create a Payment Processing Profile.

Navigate: NetSuite → Setup → Company → Enable Features → Accounting

  1. In the Company submenu of the Setup section, select Enable Features.

  2. From the Enable Features screen, navigate to the Accounting tab. Enable the Consolidated Payments feature.

  3. Click Save.

 Navigate: NetSuite → Setup → Accounting → Payment Processing Profiles

Note: To create a new Merchant eSolutions Payment Processing Profile, click the Add Profile link in the MerchantE line on the Payment Gateway Integrations screen. 

  1. In the Accounting submenu of the Setup section, select Payment Processing Profiles.

  2. From the Payment Processing Profiles screen, click the Edit link to edit an existing profile or New Payment Processing Profile to create a new profile.

  3. From the Merchant eSolutions Payment Processing Profile screen, set the Default ACH Authorization Type.

Default ACH Authorization Type:

  • PPD – Prearranged Payment or Deposit transaction (Consumer Account)

  • CCD – Corporate Credit or Deposit transaction (Corporate Account)

  • TEL – Telephone Initiated (Consumer entries only)

Recurring Payment Configuration

Navigate: NetSuite → Setup → MerchantE Recurring Payment → MerchantE Recurring Payment Config → New

The MerchantE Recurring Payment Config screen appears. Enter the:

  1. Name – This name will be used to identify configurations when creating deployments.

  2. Subsidiary – Select the subsidiary.

  3. Target Invoice Search – Select from the saved searches.

  4. Plugin Implementation – Currently limited to Default. Contact MerchantE for customization.

  5. Allowed Payment Methods – Select the methods from the list.

  6. Consolidate Payments – Consolidate multiple invoices into a single payment. If disabled, each invoice will generate a payment.

  7. ME Payment Card Method – Provided by the customer in the enrollment form.

  8. ME ACH Payment Method – Provided by the customer in the enrollment form.


In the Onboarding section of the MerchantE Recurring Payment Config page, you can customize the messages sent to the customer.

  1. Domain Name – Enter the domain name if you are using a custom domain name in NetSuite.

  2. Link Expiration (Hours) – Hours before the enrollment form link will expire.

  3. Email Template – Template for the notification emails.

  4. Logo URL – Logo used for the enrollment form.

  5. Default ACH Limit – Default ACH limit in US Dollars.

  6. Welcome Message – Message displayed in the enrollment form. This message needs to contain the redirect for the email form. The source code should appear as follows.

    1. Display Text – Any text you would like to display. Enrollment is used as an example.

    2. Link Type – Select URL from the dropdown menu.

    3. Protocol – Select <other> from the dropdown menu. It is important not to set the protocol to https:// or any other protocol.

    4. URL – Enter NLredirectURL. This must match exactly.

  7. Terms Message – Terms displayed in the enrollment form. This can include hyperlinks.

  8. Confirmation Message – Confirmation displayed when the customer is enrolled.

  9. Payment Processing Profile (PPP) Mapping - This section only applies if you have multiple payment profiles for the selected subsidiary.

  10. Click Save when you have finished the configuration.

Scheduling Deployment

Navigate: NetSuite → Customization → Scripting → Script Deployment

For more information, see Script Deployment.

Note: You will need to create a script deployment for each Recurring Payment Config.

  1. From the Scripting submenu of the Customization section, click Script Deployments.

  2. Filter the list by searching for “MerchantE RP – Process Payments” in the Script field. Click Edit for a script.

  3. Edit the script deployment fields.

    1. Title – This should be specific for each saved Recurring Payment Config.

    2. Deployed – Enable this setting to deploy the script.

    3. Status – Select Not Scheduled to deploy on demand or Scheduled to deploy based on the scheduled script deployment.

    4. Log Level – Select the event level to log events.

    5. Priority – Set the Priority.

    6. Concurrency Limit – Number of processors available for the deployment.

    7. Submit All Stages At Once – Enable this setting to deploy all stages of the script at once. Do not enable if the script needs to be deployed sequentially.

    8. Yield After Minutes – Select the time limit for the script to execute. If the script exceeds this limit, it will for the job to yield and the job will be rescheduled. (3-60 minutes).

    9. Buffer Size – Determines the number of key/value pairs the map or reduce job can process before writing to the database.

  4. Under the Schedule tab, select the frequency and duration to process the payments.

    1. Start Date – The date of the first the script deployment.

    2. Start Time – The time the script will be deployed on the Start Date.

    3. Repeat – Number of times to repeat deployment.

    4. End By – The date to end the script deployment.

    5. No End Date - Enable to repeat the deployment of the script indefinitely.

  5. Under the Parameters tab, select the Recurring Payment Config to which the scheduling will be applied.

  6. Click Save button to overwrite the settings or use the dropdown menu from the Save button to select the save settings.

    1. Save & New will bring up a new blank deployment.

    2. Save & Copy will copy the deployment to edit.

    3. Save and Execute will overwrite the deployment and execute the script.

Customer Boarding

Enable Payment Instruments for Recurring Payments

Navigate: NetSuite → Lists → Relationships → Customers → Financial → Payment Instruments

  1. From the Financial tab of Customer page, select Payment Instruments. Create a new payment method by clicking the button for the payment type or select a saved payment method by clicking the Edit link.

  2. The Payment Configuration screen appears. In the Recurring Payment Enrollment section, check the box to enable the payment method for the Recurrent Payment Config.

  3. Click Save.

Send Messages for Recurring Payments to Customer

Navigate: NetSuite → Setup → MerchantE Recurring Payments → Recurring Payment Onboarding

Create a new recurring payment onboarding by clicking New MerchantE Recurring Payment Onboarding button or select the Customer list by clicking Edit. The MerchantE Recurring Payment Onboarding screen appears.

Caution: The email will be sent when you click Save.

  1. Fill in the fields.

    1. Recurring Payment Config – Select the Recurrent Payment Configuration.

    2. Sender – Select the email address send the notification from.

    3. Customer – Select the customer.

    4. Contact – Select the contact email address for the notification.

    5. Customer Email – The email address on file for the customer.

    6. Recipient Email – Enter the email address where notifications will be sent. This does not have to be the same as the customer email address.

  2. When finished, click Save.

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